Medical devices

We offer a wide range of devices for electroacupuncture, i.e. stimulating acupunctural points with electrical impulses; we also offer biostimulation lasers for irradiating acupunctural points. Our offer is made complete by TENS electrostimulators. Very interesting product is the device for Ryodoraku diagnosis.

All our medical devices meet the requirements of the Mecial Directive of European Union.

Our devices for electrostimulation:

AUTOMERIDIAN standard is the simplest device for individual electroacupuncture
AUTOMERIDIAN cosmetic is the newest version of the device, which includes a massage option
Additional accessories available for the device are:
KOLMIO ETAN 4 a modern, proffesional portable electrostimulator
Supplemetary element to help device usage - computer program Ster KE
KOLMIO RYODORAKU is the portable diagnoscope and stimulator for Ryodoraku method
Supplemetary element to help with diagnosis - computer program BM Ryodoraku

Our stimulation lasers:

BIOLASER 1 is the modern, easy in usage, effective infrared biostimulation laser
BIOLASER 2 is the modern, easy in usage, effective red biostimulation laser

Point detector:

KOLMIO Punktoskop is the electronic, easy in usage, precise point detector

During medical courses we familiarise the participants with acupuncture and apliccations of our devices.

We offer publications connected with natural medicine; the devices are enhanced with computer programs.

We also suggest to take note of harmfulness of the electromagnetic field surrounding us.

  Please send all your questions and comments concerning our website to
(c) Copyright 1998-2023 KOLMIO KielkowscyVerified on: 05-06-2023
Last modified on: 22-02-2023