KOLMIO RYODORAKU is a set of three devices in one:
- diagnoscope - when applying the Ryodoraku method,
it allows to accurately determine the bioelectric activity of the body
and perform an early diagnosis,
- stimulator - it allows performing a biostimulation
appropriate for the patient's condition, accordingly to the
Ryodoraku therapy principles,
- point detector - it allows less experienced patients
to accurately locate the points of acupuncture.
The Ryodoraku method is known for 50 years; it was developed in Japan by prof.
Yoshio Nakatani. It is known in Poland since 1983 - the devices' prototypes have
been developed in the Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Institute of
the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, with advice from prof. Zbigniew Garnuszewski.
The KOLMIO RYODORAKU device is based on one of these devices,
developed by eng. Waldemar JarosiĆski. It was designed with the
use of most modern technologies, on the basis of microprocessor
technology. The design was made with emphasis on the ergonomy of usage:
- on one hand, the neccesity for measurement and control activity was greatly minimised,
allowing reduction of the time required for diagnosing,
- on the other hand, the device does not impose any values on the doctor,
but only suggests the parameter defaults.
- the device can be connected to the computer and send there the results
of the examinations. The BM Ryodoraku mini
program is supplied with the device and is used to manage the database of
patients and examinations and to print the Ryodoraku form.
The small dimensions of the device, battery power supply, result memory,
digital and graphical result presentation, modern solutions make applying the
Ryodoraku method possible and easy not only in the doctor's office, but also at the
patient's home.
Basic applications of the KOLMIO RYODORAKU device:
- diagnosis:
a quick and easy diagnosis of the patient's general condition,
a detailed diagnosis using tables of symptoms,
a great starting point for making a full diagnosis by a physician,
- stimulation:
instant improvement of the patient's general condition,
stimulation specific for particular ailments,
- point detection:
an excellent, automatic point detector, adjustable to any kind of skin,
- control:
reliable verification of any therapeutic actions, as well conventional as
unconventional - just diagnose the patient using the Ryodoraku method before
and after the therapy.
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