ECOMETER is a simple device for measuring induction of a variable magnetic field.
Thanks to these measurements it enables evaluating the electromagnetic radiation rate, which
influences on the human body
The intensity of the magnetic field
is digitally presented on the device's display;
also, when the samples are dangerous, the user is alerted by red lights
and a loud sound. This way it is easy to judge the harmfulness of the
electromagnetic field in a specific location.
ECOMETER measures mainly the field created by the electrical installation.
Such field is emitted by all electrical devices, from power lines, through
vacuum cleaners, washing machines, food processors, air conditioners, to radio
receivers, cassette players and computers. Actually, we are constantly exposed
to the electromagnetic smog.
ECOMETER is capable of detecting the threat imposed by various
devices, and locating and eliminating the most harmful sources of the field.
ECOMETER has build-in 50Hz filter - when the 50Hz switch is on, meter is
measuring only this frequency.